Don't let poor credit stand in the way of getting a personal loan. Personal loans are a valuable tool that can help you with a variety of needs that you may have in your financial life such as paying off credit card or other types of debt or remodeling your home. We'll let you know what you can do to obtain a personal loan, even if you currently have a bad credit score or a credit history that is less-than-perfect.

See Cashtelligent's picks for Best Personal Loans

The Top Line

  • Personal loans can help you solve a variety of problems that you might encounter.
  • Personal loans, like other loans, require that you have an adequate credit score and credit history.
  • Those with a bad credit history or a bad credit score could have a difficult time gaining approval for a personal loan.
  • We will provide some actionable steps that you can take to still obtain a personal loan, even if you have a bad credit score or bad credit history.

Why Get a Personal Loan?

There are a variety of reasons that you might be seeking a personal loan. Personal loans are named as such because they are often used for a variety of reasons such as financial emergencies, financing purchases, and consolidating debt. They don't fit into one specific category and are used as a blanket product for a variety of financial needs.

Millions of people each year are able to use personal loans to their advantage to fulfill their unique financial needs.

Steps to Take to Get a Personal Loan with Bad Credit

One thing that you need to get a loan, regardless of what type of loan, is a credit score. Lenders are much more likely to approve you for a loan if you have a good credit score and robust credit history, showing them that you are likely to be a trustworthy borrower. However, not everyone has a good credit score. If you have a bad credit score or bad credit history and want to get a personal loan, read these simple steps that you can take to gain approval for your loan.

Improve Your Credit

The most obvious solution to the problem is to improve your credit. However, this is not always possible in a pinch. There are still some steps that you can take to give a quick boost to your credit. You should check your credit history and report and subsequently pay any overdue loans that you currently have. In addition, you can dispute any charges on your credit report that you think are inaccurate. This could provide you with a quick boost in your credit that could be enough to gain approval for a personal loan.

Get a Cosigner

Another thing that you can do if you want to obtain a personal loan regardless of your bad credit is to get a cosigner for the loan. This would require the cosigner to accept liability for the loan should you default on your payments. However, it would provide the lender with confidence that you will be paying back the loan regardless of whether you yourself are able to meet the obligations or not.

Research Personal Loan Lenders

Some lenders specialize in offering loans to those with poor credit. Finding those who work with borrowers with less than perfect credit histories will increase the chances of your getting the funds that you need.

Ready to get a personal loan? See Cashtelligent's picks for Best Personal Loans